Your opinions and suggestions are very important to us.

Estimated time 2 minutes

Please rate the importance of the following questions for you and then how successful EAE has been in these matters.
(5 Highest Score and 1 Lowest Score)

1. How important is adequacy in terms of product variety for you? How successful do you find EAE in this regard?
Performance Level
Degree of Importance
2. How important is product quality to you? How successful do you find EAE in this regard?
Degree of Importance
Performance Level
3. How important is the overall pricing policy to you? How successful do you find EAE in this regard?
Degree of Importance
Performance Level
4. How important is the on-time delivery of the requested products to you? How successful do you find EAE in this regard?
Degree of Importance
Performance Level
5. How important is certification and documentation proficiency to you? How successful do you find EAE in this regard?
Degree of Importance
Performance Level
6. How professional do you find EAE? (5. Very professional, 1. Not professional at all)
Performance Level
7. Would you like to use these products again in a new business based on your experience and product usage? If not, could you please specify the reasons?